Tuesday, June 3, 2008

another day, another blog!

So today I had the opportunity to take some clients (1) to volunteer at another NFP agency. It went fairly well, but I just wish our "contracts manager" would get these guys some paying jobs!! grrr...he's always off talking to people in the office or anywhere around campus, trying to make "small talk" conversations with the rest of us-- it's beyond irritating!! I tell ya! what i hate the most is when he says "hey guys, I'm on your side" omg, I could just spit fire when he says that bullshit. He's one of those people who would probably be extremely likable if he could just be himself for 5 frickin minutes. He's too busy trying to analyze your thought process and tailor his personality around who he thinks he should be around you. So irritating. Enough about work before I become suicidal! lol. As if.

This morning Alena was giving me the low down on her butterfly life cycle project...I love how she explains everything so thoroughly-- she's so cute!
I told her how pretty she was and she responded with "I know, I get that a lot"
haaa!! gotta love that :)

Alissa, my big girl, I can't believe I am the mother of a pre*teen (almost 12!!!) she makes me feel so old! she is a very smart kid and I love her.

I am a very blessed person. I am surrounded by awesome people wherever I go. Sometimes I just have these realizations and I feel completely humbled. I have amazing friends, who I LOVE, both IRL and "virtually" lmao I have a truly giving and loving extended family and the most precious children and a fabulous (and hot!) husband who all unconditionally love me. I know I have way more than I deserve :) I am truly grateful!

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